Small Groups
Celebrate Recovery
Christ Centered Recovery Program for any hurt, habit, or hang up.
Tuesdays @ 6:30 PM at The Tavern Church. Contact Craig Bishop @ (864) 918-7201 for more info.
Men & Women’s
Our men and women’s groups are great ways to connect with each other to grow closer to Christ learning from God’s Word and other’s life experiences. We meet every 3rd Wednesday night of each month.
T- Groups
We never cease to stop growing in our faith and learning through relationships with others. These groups we have formed have encouraged us to grow to together and really see how God wants us to Dream, Develop, and Discover.
(Ages 20-30 gather every Thursday of the month except the 4th)
(Ages 55 & Older, (Tavern Classics) gather every Sunday at 9:15 AM)